Digital Photography for Kids

September 1, 2014
Digital Photography for Kids

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One of my friends wants to give her son a project and thought a photography one would be fun! I love this idea and wanted to give you some ideas to do photography for kids.

Photography for Kids: Ages 3-5

You may not be able to teach them as many skills at this age but you can familiarize them with a camera and give them different activities they can do.

Activity ideas:

– Learn their colors – Have the child walk around the house or outside and look for things of a certain color and photograph them.
– Starts with… – Ask them to find objects that start with a certain letter and photograph them.
Their name – They could either find objects that start with the letters in their name or they could look for things that look like letters to make their name.

Photography for Kids: Ages 6-10

You can teach this age range even more about photography. Start with some basics in composition.
– Rule of thirds
– Limb chops
– Leading lines
– Fill the frame
– Negative Space

You can tackle lighting as well.
– Catchlights
– Backlighting
– Low light
– Window light

– Skill building – Before you give them an activity you can have them practice the skills you want them to learn. If you want to focus on composition, have them read the above posts. They can choose one skill a day. Ask them to create 3-5 images displaying that composition guide.
Story time – Have them take a photograph of anything and write a story about it. It could be of children at the park. Name the children and create a story behind them. This will help their language arts skills as well as their creativity
– Scavenger Hunt – Create a list of 20 items they need to find in the house or in the yard. Hand over the camera and have them photograph the options as they find them. Be sure to throw in something of a challenge.
ABC’s – Have them photograph something that starts with each letter of the alphabet
– – You could give them their own corner of the internet. Feel free to keep their blog private for only family to view if you choose. They can post their images, add captions, and record what they are learning.

Feel free to take their photos and stories and compile them in a digital photo album for them. How excited would they be to have their own book of their own images!

Photography for Kids!: A Fun Guide to Digital P Audio Book
Photography for Kids!: A Fun Guide to Digital P Audio Book
Photography for Kids - Help Children Learn to Use Cameras
Photography for Kids - Help Children Learn to Use Cameras
Digital Photography Tips for Capturing Perfect Baby Photos
Digital Photography Tips for Capturing Perfect Baby Photos
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